Friends of Mint Plaza


Friends of Mint Plaza (FoMP) is a California non-profit corporation and a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization managed by a five-member board of directors. FoMP was specifically created to manage and maintain Mint Plaza for the public’s benefit.

Mission Statement

FoMP works to ensure that Mint Plaza is a vibrant, safe and memorable public space for the use and enjoyment of visitors and neighborhood residents alike through ongoing maintenance, programming, and general management of the Plaza area.

To accomplish its mission, FoMP has established the following Performance Goals:

  • Ensure that the Plaza remains a treasured public space, accessible to all and preserved for future generations of San Franciscans.
  • Maintain the Plaza in a clean and orderly fashion that makes it a safe and inviting place for people of all ages and incomes to enjoy at all hours of the day.
  • Activate the Plaza area through thoughtful and creative programming, including art and dance exhibitions, live music and public art.


As part of the agreement to create Mint Plaza, the City required that FoMP assume full responsibility for the costs of maintaining the Plaza, in addition to indemnifying the City for any claims related to its management of the Plaza area.

In exchange, FoMP was granted the authority to generate revenue to fund maintenance and programming by charging user fees for the temporary use of portions of the Plaza area for public or private events and programs.

In addition, FoMP is responsible for:

  • Setting operation rules and regulations for the Plaza area.
  • Establishing an annual calendar of events and approving all activities in the Plaza area, including issuance of cafe tables and chairs permits.
  • Hiring and supervision of independent contractors for the operation, maintenance and programming of the Plaza.
  • Preparation and revision of an annual Plaza maintenance and programming budget and oversight of the Plaza’s financial affairs.
  • Establishment of reserves for items paid less frequently than monthly and capital items.
  • Maintaining general liability insurance for the Plaza.